Help Wanted

You can make a difference. The Technology Advocates project is a community effort. Without community participation we're just a couple of guys with a site. You are more powerful, have more to contribute to bringing sensibility to our society's on-line world, than you may realize.

You need only have a thought, an opinion, an experience; and the will to make something from it, to add value that could be precious to someone you don't even know. Technical skills are of course always welcome, but if you can read you can help us better the site. If you can write you can contribute to your community. You can make a difference.

Simply by suggesting wording changes on a page you can make something clearer for the next person that might have otherwise bypassed the information altogether. Your lack of technical knowledge can be a benefit to everyone as well. If you don't know something chances are someone else doesn't either. Questions asked of us are how we know what information needs to be posted to help everyone. Ask once and help many.

Specific Needs

Assistance with making contributions in any of these areas is available.

Need Start Description
Say Something Dive In If you don't write a line of code, if you don't contribute a line of text, if you never ask a question, you can still tell someone about us. None of this is about us. It's not even about this site. It's about you, your friends and your family. It's about all of us. It's about rebuilding a sense of community and confidence. It's about purging the flagrant corporate and government voyeurism from our lives. It's about returning the intimacy of friendship and companionship to our daily interactions. Even if you never mention this site, talk about these principles. Make reclaiming your personal space important again. Just keeping the conversation going will help us make the needed changes possible.
Site Reviewer Dive In This is another space anyone can make a difference. If as you read through pages on the site you notice grammatical or spelling errors, let us know. If you find something you believe is incorrect or confusing; drop us a note, add comments or get on the forums and ask questions.
Visuals Contact Us We are really making an effort to keep this site visually appealing and interesting. We understand the value of visual appeal. We are also aware that we are falling short in this regard. Imageless weBLogs, articles of continuous words and no diagrams, technical pages without illustrations can all become boring and monotonous. We are working to change this, but if you if are a graphic designer, or a photographer that has visuals to contribute, please let us know. We'd love to share your talents and will gladly credit you for them. Have a read of the content and if a visual you can provide strikes you as applicable it will likely help others understand the content as well. Contribution instruction is available.
Product Reviewer Contact Us We'd like to actually some day roll out the "Top 3" feature of the site. Anyone with information to contribute regarding products that would be useful for being social on the network while keeping privacy intact are welcome to participate. Writing full reviews is not required. Simply amending and correcting existing reviews is helpful as well. Training will be provided to those who wish to write full reviews.
Perl Coder Contact Us We are building software designed to bring people together using private networks and software of their choosing. This work is called "Fautore" and can not get done fast enough. We progress this effort daily, but more hands are needed.
PHP Coder Contact Us This site is based on the "Tiki" framework written in PHP. This is powerful software that allows us to do many things. We are however in need of enhancements to meet our specific needs. Other enhancements to make the software more accessible to the less technically astute are also being planned. All applicable framework changes will be contributed back to the Tiki community to pay it forward.